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Coming Up

In preparing for the end of the year, we will be sending home Asthma orders, Allergy plans and medication orders for next year. The summer is a GREAT time to get all of these forms filled out and ready to turn in to the health office in August with the appropriate medication.

At the end of the year we will send home all emergency medication (inhalers and epipens) with the student to whom they belong. Any other medication, prescription or over the counter, will need to be picked up by the last day of school or the medication will be destroyed per district policy.

When is Sick Too Sick for School?

  • Send me to school if:
    • I have a runny nose or just a little cough, but no other symptoms.
    • I haven't taken any fever reducing medicine for 24 hours, and I haven't had a fever during that time.
    • I haven't thrown up or had any diarrhea for 24 hours.
  • Keep me at home if:
    • I have a temperature higher than 100 degrees even after taking medicine.
    • I'm throwing up or have diarrhea.
    • My eyes are pink and crusty.
  • Call the doctor if:
    • I have a temperature higher than 100 degrees for more than two days.
    • I've been throwing up or have diarrhea for more than two days.
    • I've had the sniffles for more than a week, and they aren't getting better.
    • I still have asthma symptoms after using my asthma medicine (and call 911 if I'm having trouble breathing after using an inhaler).

What We Do

Our goal is to keep all students as healthy as possible so that they can do their best in school. When a student comes to the health office we listen and provide the best care that we possibly can. We always attempt to call a parent or guardian about every visit. If a student does need to be sent home, they may only be released from school to an emergency contact listed on your registration forms. With these things in mind, please keep your contact information current. It is always our goal to keep students in school as much as possible but we do send students home if:

  • They have an injury or illness that needs to be evaluated by a doctor
  • a fever (>100.0),
  • throwing up
  • or diarrhea.

If your student has any of these things either at school or at home they must stay OUT of school until they have been without these symptoms for 24 hours. This is to prevent the spread of sickness at school.

  • We help with getting health services for students. Contact us if you need assistance signing up for Medicaid.
  • We also check student's vision, hearing, height, weight and dental health. These health screenings are required for Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd grade. If you are adamant that your child not be screened, you must submit written request each year to health office staff.
  • We make sure all students are up-to-date on all of their required immunizations

Health Conditions And Medications

If your student has any health conditions, please let us know! We take the best care of your student when we know all the facts. Links to Asthma Action Plans -for inhalers and Allergy Action Plans- for Benadryl and Epinephrine are available on this page. You can also find a special diet form which is submitted to the Cafeteria and the APS dietary department so that we all know of your students food allergy or sensitivity. If your student has asthma or a food allergy these forms should be filled out by a parent/guardian and physician each year.

Medication Policies

Prescription medications may be administered at school, BUT only with a signed APS Physician's Order form. Over-the-counter medications require a signed APS Parental over the counter (OTC) Authorization form. Parents may obtain these forms from this page or at the health office. Prescription containers must have a pharmacy label with the name of the drug, strength, dosage, student's name, and time of administration. All medications MUST be kept locked in the Health Office and parents have to pick up remaining medication at the end of the treatment or end of the school year. All medications must be picked up at the end of the year or they will be disposed of per district policy.