APS Student Handbook Links
Attendance Line: (505) 291-6842 ext. 2
New Mexico Statute 22-12-2 states: “Any parent, guardian, or person having custody and control of a child subject to the provisions of the Compulsory School Attendance Law is responsible for the school attendance of that child.” The Sombra del Monte staff believes that attendance is a joint effort between home and school. Regular attendance is fundamental to success in school. Attendance is taken at 8:45 a.m. If your child arrives to school after 8:45 a.m. the child is tardy and must check in at the office. Undocumented early pick-ups will also be considered tardy as outlined below. (Perfect Attendance includes NO tardies.) When a student is absent, the parent must call within 3 days of the absence. The attendance line is available 24 hours a day. An automatic answering machine will take attendance calls. Please state child’s name, grade, teacher’s name, reason for absence, name of person calling, relationship to student and a contact number. Regardless of the reason for absence, you will receive a call or an e-mail from the district’s automated SchoolMessenger system to notify you that your child has been marked absent or tardy. Listen to the entire message to avoid continued calls. The school will report excessive absences to the Albuquerque Public School’s Truancy Office. Refer to your APS Student Behavior Handbook for questions regarding attendance policy.
In accordance with APS Student Behavior Handbook, a student will be excused for the following:
- Doctor’s appointment (Please submit a Doctor’s note upon return)
- Illness
- Death in the family
- Family emergency
- Religious commitment
- Diagnostic testing
- Extenuating circumstances, as agreed to by the administration prior to the absence.
Please plan family vacation times during school vacation times.
Review the APS Attendance Policy for more information.
Cell Phones / Personal Electronic Devices
School phones are for the use of school personnel and are not for use by students except in case of emergencies. Asking for permission to go home with a friend, or calling home for forgotten assignments, field trip permission slips, or lunch money are not reasons considered emergencies. Students may bring a cell phone to school but it must remain in their backpack, turned off, during the school day. If a staff member sees a cell phone out during the school day the phone will be confiscated and held in the office. The students’ parent/legal guardian may retrieve the cell phone within 30 minutes of the start or end of the instructional day. If a second offense occurs the parent/legal guardian may retrieve the cell phone no sooner than 7 days after the date of confiscation and a third offense would require the phone held until the end of the semester
Review the APS Personal Electronic Devices Policy for more information.
Dress Code
Parents should ensure that their child is appropriately dressed for the weather and the school learning environment. Students benefit from exercise and will be expected to participate in indoor and outdoor activities. If students do not dress according to the APS School Board approved dress code, parents will be requested to bring appropriate clothing. Students are NOT permitted to wear the following items:
- Any identified gang logos and/or gang-related clothing styles or manner of dress, i.e. “sagging”.
- Hats in any building or classroom (we encourage head coverings in cold weather for outdoor use only).
- “Heelys” – please remove the wheels from any footwear before coming to school
- “Muscle” and/or cropped tops revealing midriffs and spaghetti strapped tops.
- Short shorts and short skirts.
- Clothes w/ profanity, sexually inappropriate language/graphics, drug/alcohol/tobacco related symbols.
- Facial make-up.
Review the APS Student Dress Policy for more information.